РЕЧ КОМПОЗИТОРАЈУГ К. МАРКОВИЋ је рођен у Београду 1987 године. У истом граду завршио је студије композиције у класамa Властимира Трајковића и Зорана Ерића на Факултету музичке уметности као и студије археологије на Филозофском факултету. Осим у Србији, његова музика извођена је у Француској, Белгији, Италији, Немачкој, Аустрији, Словенији, Исланду, Америци и др. међу којима спадају и значајни светски фестивали као што су Донауешингер Музиктаге (Donaueschinger Musiktage 2014) и Фестивал Екс-ан-Прованс (Festival d'Aix-en-Provence 2016). Усавршавао се на мајсторским курсевима код реномираних композитора као што су Мајкл Финиси, Ено Попе, Марк Андре, Фабиен Леви, Џон Кориљано, Рафаел Сендо, Жорж Апергис и похађао семинаре и летње академије савремене музике у Дармштату (47. Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik), Паризу (ManiFeste IRCAM) и Грацу (11. Internationale Komponistenakademie für zeitgenössische Musik) где је са познатим аустријским ансамблом за нову музику Klangforum Wien. Са својим делом Вокатив (за симфонијски оркестар) представљао је Србију на 65. Интернационалном Роструму Композитора 2018. где му је (као петом носиоцу) додељена званична препорука интернационалног жирија. Добитник је награде ''TENSO Young Composers Award 2017’’ за композицију Нирвана (за камерни хор). Са својим делом ”Егон” (за клавир) изабран за победника трећег такмичења композитора Антон Матасовски у Бечу (2017), добитник је прве награде интернационалног такмичења композитора у Хонг Конгу (2016) за композицију ”Hydra”, затим специјалне награде Бусан Мару фестивала у Јужној Кореји (2016) као и Јосип Славенски награде (2015), обе за композицију ”Magistralen”. Активан је учесник резиденција и програма које организују ENOA (European Network of Opera Academies), TENSO (Europen Networork of Professional Chamber Choirs), Irish Contemporary Music Centre као и Snape Maltings – Britten Pears Young Artists Program из Велике Британије где је у току децембра 2017 био резиденцијални композитор под менторством британског композитора Мајкла Финисија. Југу је додељена и резиденција Калусте Гулбенкиан Фондације из Лисабона где ће крајем године започети свој први оперски пројекат.———————————————————————-ANGELUS NOVUS je kompozicija za 16 solo gudača, inspirisana istoimenim radom švajcarskog slikara Paula Klea i kratkim tekstom nemačkog filozofa Valtera Benjamina u čijem je posedstvu slika bila dugi niz godina———————————————————————–Jug was born in Belgrade where he graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy and afterwards at the Faculty of Music Art in Belgrade. Apart from his principal teachers Vlastimir Trajković and Zoran Erić, he has been tutored multiple times by the British composer Michael Finnissy. In addition, he had attended masterclasses with renowned composers such as Enno Poppe, Richard Barrett, Georges Aperghis, Mark Andre, John Corigliano, Fabien Levy, Raphael Cendo, Mauro Lanza, Jorge Sanhez-Chiong etc. Marković was a composer in residency at Snape Maltings, UK (supported by ENOA and Aldeburgh Music) where he was tutored by Mr. Finnissy on his piece “incidAnces”. His music was performed within important music festivals in Europe such as “Donaueschinger Musiktage” and “Festival d'Aix-en-Provence” Marković is the winner of the TENSO young composers award 2017 and winner of the 3rd Anton Matasovsky Composers Competition in Vienna, for his piece Egon (Austria, 2017). His piece Vokativ (for orchestra), being in a fifth place, was selected as one of the “Recommended pieces” at the 65th International Rostrum for Composers. He was awarded the 1st prize at the Hong Kong International Percussion Convention Competition (China, 2016) for piece Hydra, the Special Prize at Busan Maru International Competition (South Korea, 2016) and Josip Slavenski prize (Serbia, 2015) for piece Magistralen. He attended Impuls Academy for Contemporary Music in Graz (2017), where he collaborated with ensemble Klangforum Wien. Jug was also a participant of the 47th Darmstadt Summer Course, ManiFeste academy (Ircam 2017 and 2018), TENSO young composers workshop 2017 (The Professional Network of European Chamber Choirs), Britten Pears Young Artists Program (2017), IDEA International Divertimento Ensemble Academy (2018) and Music Academy Donaueschingen (2014). He is also a frequent participant of residency programs and workshops organized by ENOA (European Network of Opera Academies). This year Jug was granted a residency at Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon where his current projects include the development of the chamber opera “Eurydice in the Underworld”. He is also developing a chamber choir piece in collaboration with Chamber Choir Ireland, Contemporary Music Centre in Dublin and TENSO. Marković was selected for the 2019 edition of the Mani-Feste at Ircam where his new piece for 12 instruments will be premiered by Ensemble Intercontemporain.

تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎Ensemble Metamorphosis‎‏ في الأحد، ٢٨ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨


Jug was born in Belgrade where he graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy and afterwards at the Faculty of Music Art in Belgrade. Apart from his principal teachers Vlastimir Trajković and Zoran Erić, he has been tutored multiple times by the British composer Michael Finnissy. In addition, he had attended masterclasses with renowned composers such as Enno Poppe, Richard Barrett, Georges Aperghis, Mark Andre, John Corigliano, Fabien Levy, Raphael Cendo, Mauro Lanza, Jorge Sanhez-Chiong etc. Marković was a composer in residency at Snape Maltings, UK (supported by ENOA and Aldeburgh Music) where he was tutored by Mr. Finnissy on his piece “incidAnces”. His music was performed within important music festivals in Europe such as “Donaueschinger Musiktage” and “Festival d’Aix-en-Provence” Marković is the winner of the TENSO young composers award 2017 and winner of the 3rd Anton Matasovsky Composers Competition in Vienna, for his piece Egon (Austria, 2017). His piece Vokativ (for orchestra), being in a fifth place, was selected as one of the “Recommended pieces” at the 65th International Rostrum for Composers. He was awarded the 1st prize at the Hong Kong International Percussion Convention Competition (China, 2016) for piece Hydra, the Special Prize at Busan Maru International Competition (South Korea, 2016) and Josip Slavenski prize (Serbia, 2015) for piece Magistralen. He attended Impuls Academy for Contemporary Music in Graz (2017), where he collaborated with ensemble Klangforum Wien. Jug was also a participant of the 47th Darmstadt Summer Course, ManiFeste academy (Ircam 2017 and 2018), TENSO young composers workshop 2017 (The Professional Network of European Chamber Choirs), Britten Pears Young Artists Program (2017), IDEA International Divertimento Ensemble Academy (2018) and Music Academy Donaueschingen (2014). He is also a frequent participant of residency programs and workshops organized by ENOA (European Network of Opera Academies). This year Jug was granted a residency at Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon where his current projects include the development of the chamber opera “Eurydice in the Underworld”. He is also developing a chamber choir piece in collaboration with Chamber Choir Ireland, Contemporary Music Centre in Dublin and TENSO. Marković was selected for the 2019 edition of the Mani-Feste at Ircam where his new piece for 12 instruments will be premiered by Ensemble Intercontemporain.