REČ KOMPOZITORAIVAN BRKLJAČIĆ je 2001. godine na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti diplomirao kompoziciju, gde je 2005. godine završio magistarske studije kompozicije, a zatim je 2012. odbranio doktorski umetnički projekat.Kompozicije Ivana Brkljačića izvođene su mnogo puta u Beogradu i ostalim gradovima Srbije. Takođe, njegova dela izvođena su u Belgiji, Holandiji, Kanadi, Švedskoj, Brazilu…i Australiji (2010. kompozicijom Jinx su otvoreni Svetski dani muzike u Sidneju). Po porudžbini je pisao kompozicije za različite orkestre i festivale. Sarađivao je sa inostranim ansamblima kao što su: Ostravska banda iz Češke republike, Blindman iz Belgije, L’Ensemble Portmanto iz Kanade, itd. Od školske 2005/06. godine radi na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, na Katedri za muzičku teoriju. Trenutno (od 2015) obavlja funkciju prodekana za nastavu.———————————————————————Ivan Brkljačić graduated in 2001 from the Faculty of Music, obtained his Master Degree in composition at the same faculty in 2005, and in 2012 successfully defended his doctoral art project. His compositions have been performed many times in Belgrade and other towns in Serbia. Also, were performed in Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Brazil…and Australia (in 2010 the composition Jinx opened The New Music Days in Sydney). He wrote commissioned compositions for orchestras, festivals…and cooperated with international ensembles such as Ostravská Banda from the Czech Republic, Blindman from Belgium, L’Ensemble Portmanto from Canada, etc.From 2005/06 he worked at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade at the Department for Music Theory. In parallel (from 2015) Brkljacic performs the function of the vice-dean for teaching. Eleganza nuova: Sastavljena od deset slika koje se sprovode kroz različite karaktere, kompozicija sadrži muzički tok koji se na specifičan način bavi fenomenima elegantnog, uzvišenog, otmenog, elitnog, glamuroznog, nedostižnog… Eleganza nuova: Comprising ten scenes with different characters, the piece features a musical tissue that specifically relies on the phenomena of the elegant, exalted, refined, elite, glamorous, unattainablel…

تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎Ensemble Metamorphosis‎‏ في الثلاثاء، ٣٠ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨


Ivan Brkljačić graduated in 2001 from the Faculty of Music, obtained his Master Degree in composition at the same faculty in 2005, and in 2012 successfully defended his doctoral art project.
His compositions have been performed many times in Belgrade and other towns in Serbia. Also, were performed in Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Brazil…and Australia (in 2010 the composition Jinx opened The New Music Days in Sydney). He wrote commissioned compositions for orchestras, festivals…and cooperated with international ensembles such as Ostravská Banda from the Czech Republic, Blindman from Belgium, L’Ensemble Portmanto from Canada, etc.
From 2005/06 he worked at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade at the Department for Music Theory. In parallel (from 2015) Brkljacic performs the function of the vice-dean for teaching.

Eleganza nuova: Sastavljena od deset slika koje se sprovode kroz različite karaktere, kompozicija sadrži muzički tok koji se na specifičan način bavi fenomenima elegantnog, uzvišenog, otmenog, elitnog, glamuroznog, nedostižnog…

Eleganza nuova: Comprising ten scenes with different characters, the piece features a musical tissue that specifically relies on the phenomena of the elegant, exalted, refined, elite, glamorous, unattainable…