REČ KOMPOZITORAVLADIMIR TOŠIĆ (1949, Beograd, Srbija), kompozitor, multimedijalni umetnik, redovni profesor FMU u Beogradu. Studije kompozicije završio je u klasi Vasilija Mokranjca na istom fakultetu. Dela Vladimira Tošića izvođena su redovno kako na domaćim tako i na stranim koncertnim podijumima i festivalima savremene muzike širom sveta: Argentina, Austrija, Belgija, Brazil, Engleska, Francuska, Holandija, Italija, Nemačka, Peru, Portugal, SAD, Škotska, Španija, Švedska i dr. Kompozicije Vladimira Tošića nalaze se na više kompakt diskova izdatih u Srbiji i SAD. Među njima su i tri autorska: Muzika za klavir (2014), Melange (2000) i Muzika za male pijaniste (2016). Za kompoziciju Voksal dobio je prvu nagradu na konkursu Thomas Bloch (Pariz, 2000). Dobitnik je treće nagrade na takmičenju za dečiju gitarističku kompoziciju − Gitarrentage für Kinder (Lebah, Nemačka, 2011), a tu kompoziciju je izdala poznata izdavačka kuća Chanterelle iz Hajdelberga. Osnova stvaralačkog pristupa Vladimira Tošića je redukcionistički princip izgradnje dela. Sva njegova dela su procesualna, repetitivna i zasnovana na veoma malom broju različitih elemenata, a ponekad čak i na samo jednom (boji, ritmu, harmoniji…). Najvažnija dela Vladimira Tošića su: Varial, Dual, Trial, Voksal, Fisija, Fuzija, Altus, Medial i dr.Kompozicija Medial 9 za gudački orkestar je verzija istoimene trostavačne kompozicije za reed quintet koja je napisana kao porudžbina američkog kvinteta Akropolis – koji ju je premijerno izveo (SAD 2015). Kompozicija je nastala na osnovi slobodno tretiranih medijantnih veza – otuda proističe njen naziv, kroz veoma slobodno variranje početnog harmonsko-melodijskog materijala. Zasnovana je na repetitivno-procesualnoj organizaciji – kao i sve moje kompozicije do danas – a glavna njena osobina je težnja ka maksimalnoj komunikativnosti. Kompozicija pripada mojoj trećoj stvaralačkoj fazi, koja je počela 2010. godine, i na neki način je najkompleksnija u seriji Mediala.————————————————–Vladimir Tošić (Belgrade, 1949), composer, multimedia artist, full professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. Tošić graduated at the same institution under the supervision of Vasilije Mokranjac. His works are regularly performed on Serbian and foreign concert stages and in festivals of contemporary music throughout the world: in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Peru, Portugal, the United States, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc. Works by Vladimir Tošić have been released on multiple CDs in Serbia and the United States. Three of them are author CDs: Muzika za klavir (Piano Music, 2014), Melange (2000), and Muzika za male pijaniste (Music for Little Pianists, 2016). His piece Voxal won the first prize at Thomas Bloch Competition in Paris in 2000. Tošić also won third prize at the 2011 Gitarrentage für Kinder, a children’s guitar music competition held in Lebach, Germany, and the awarded piece was published by Chanterelle, a renowned publishing house based in Heidelberg. Tošić’s creative approach is based on a reductionist principle of music construction. All of his pieces are processual, repetitive, and based on a rather restrictive number of different elements, sometimes even just one (colour, rhythm, harmony…). His most important works include Varial, Dual, Trial, Voxal, Fisija (Fission), Fuzija (Fusion), Altus, and Medial, among others.The work Medial 9 for string orchestra is a version of his eponymous three-movement composition for a reed quintet commissioned by Akropolis Reed Quintet from the United States, who premièred it in 2015. The piece is based on a free treatment of third relations – hence its title – by means of a rather free variation of the initial harmonic-melodic material. Like all of my pieces thus far, it is predicated on a repetitive-processual type of organisation and its main feature is striving for maximum communication. The piece belongs to my third creative phase, which began in 2010, and in a way, it is the most complex piece in the Mediala series.

تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎Ensemble Metamorphosis‎‏ في الإثنين، ٢٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨


Vladimir Tošić (Belgrade, 1949), composer, multimedia artist, full professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. Tošić graduated at the same institution under the supervision of Vasilije Mokranjac. His works are regularly performed on Serbian and foreign concert stages and in festivals of contemporary music throughout the world: in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, England, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Peru, Portugal, the United States, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, etc. Works by Vladimir Tošić have been released on multiple CDs in Serbia and the United States. Three of them are author CDs: Muzika za klavir (Piano Music, 2014), Melange (2000), and Muzika za male pijaniste (Music for Little Pianists, 2016). His piece Voxal won the first prize at Thomas Bloch Competition in Paris in 2000. Tošić also won third prize at the 2011 Gitarrentage für Kinder, a children’s guitar music competition held in Lebach, Germany, and the awarded piece was published by Chanterelle, a renowned publishing house based in Heidelberg. Tošić’s creative approach is based on a reductionist principle of music construction. All of his pieces are processual, repetitive, and based on a rather restrictive number of different elements, sometimes even just one (colour, rhythm, harmony…). His most important works include Varial, Dual, Trial, Voxal, Fisija (Fission), Fuzija (Fusion), Altus, and Medial, among others.

The work Medial 9 for string orchestra is a version of his eponymous three-movement composition for a reed quintet commissioned by Akropolis Reed Quintet from the United States, who premièred it in 2015. The piece is based on a free treatment of third relations – hence its title – by means of a rather free variation of the initial harmonic-melodic material. Like all of my pieces thus far, it is predicated on a repetitive-processual type of organisation and its main feature is striving for maximum communication. The piece belongs to my third creative phase, which began in 2010, and in a way, it is the most complex piece in the Mediala series.